

Come together. Eat together. Speak together
27 April 2019 | 10am – 4pm

Presented by Campbelltown Arts Centre and The Veiqia Project, join us for a full day of delicious lovo-making (Fijian earth oven), workshops and talanoa to celebrate the last 18 months of cross-generational Era Yalovata Na Marama program.

Led by The Veiqia Project, iTaukei women* from Western Sydney have gone on a journey of cultural and artistic discovery. This day is a chance to share knowledge and celebrate culture with the wider Pasifika community^. 

“I know a lot but I never spoke about it because I didn’t think it was important until today” Workshop participant (in her 60s)

The Veiqia Project is inspired by the traditional practice of Fijian female tattooing and uses exhibitions, research findings and workshops to invite Fijian (and other Indigenous) women to take a journey of artistic and cultural discovery. 

Bookings and enquiries
This is a free event for the Pasifika community and their friends.
For any enquiries please contact Jessica Olivieri 02 4645 4100.

Artists involved include

Margaret Aull – NZ
Torika Bolatagici – VIC
Donita Hulme – NSW
Yasbelle Kerkow – VIC
Joana Monolagi – NZ
Dulcie Stewart – QLD
Salote Tawale – NSW
MC Trey aka Thelma Thomas – NSW
Luisa Tora – NZ
Emele Ugavule – NSW

This program is funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and Creative New Zealand. 

Coming up in Spring 2019
In Spring 2019 iTaukei (First Nations Fijian) women take over Campbelltown Arts Centre with an exhibition titled Marama Dina.
Saturday 17 August – Tuesday 15 October 2019

*Includes those who identify as women/female or gender fluid
**For women* of iTaukei heritage
