
Real Real 4

Photo: Catherine McElhone

Friday 3 May | 10.00am

Live streaming on social media platforms has become a highly contested public space. Legislators are scrambling to regulate what has become a medium weaponised by extremists, activated by community uprisings and utilised by corporate influencers.

Real Real explores the limits of this space as a platform for live performance. Social media live streaming has not only changed who can broadcast, but also what it means to be a witness to a live event. Real Real asks how is technology influencing live world experiences?

Real Real #4 will see the collaboration of three of Australian’s most influential young artists, Enoch Mailangi, Amrita Hepi and Future Method Studio (Genevieve Murray and Joel Sherwood-Spring) performed by Joseph Althouse and Gussy. Titled Flora 4 FloraReal Real #4 is a Grindr hookup between a native wattle and an introduced rose.

Audiences can access the performance on Facebook Live and Youtube, Friday 3 May at 10.00am, followed by a Mukbang Q and A with curator Dr. Jess Olivieri.

Watch the performance

Watch past Real Real performances here
