
Lisa Reihana Artist Talk | 25 March

Lisa Reihana, In Pursuit of Venus [Infected], 2015-17 still

Sunday 25 March | 2pm
Lisa Reihana artist talk 

In association with Lisa Reihana | Cinemania at Campbelltown Arts Centre, Reihana discusses her most ambitious work to date, in Pursuit of Venus (infected), 2013-17.  Audience members will be given special insight into the work as Reihana addresses individual vignettes, scene by scene.

in Pursuit of Venus (infected) is a cinematic reimagining of Joseph Dufour’s French scenic wallpaper Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique 1804-05, or The Voyages of Captain Cook. Presented as a 21 metre ‘digital wallpaper’, in Pursuit of Venus (infected) features an array of costumed characters and people drawn from across the Pacific, New Zealand and Australia.

free, bookings not required

