
Lisa Reihana Artist Talk | 24 March

Lisa Reihana, In Pursuit of Venus [Infected], 2015-17 still

Saturday 24 March | 11am – 12pm
Lisa Reihana in conversation with Mami Kataoka

In association with the 21st Biennale of Sydney and Lisa Reihana | Cinemania at Campbelltown Arts Centre, Lisa Reihana and Mami Kataoka, 21st Biennale of Sydney Artistic Director, will discuss Biennales, Reihana’s artistic career, as well as Cinemania, her first survey exhibition spanning three decades of practice.

Lisa Reihana presented work in the 12th Biennale of Sydney (2000) and represented New Zealand at the 57th La Biennale de Venezia (2017).

Mami Kataoka is Chief Curator at Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, and Artistic Director of the 21st Biennale of Sydney, SUPERPOSITION: Equilibrium & Engagement, running from 16 March – 11 June 2018 at venues across Sydney.

free, bookings not required

