
Cosmic Love Wonder Lust | The Imperial Slacks Project

In 2015 Campbelltown Arts Centre and Sydney College of the Arts Galleries presented Cosmic Love Wonder Lust, bringing together the artists of Imperial Slacks, an artist run collective formed in Sydney in 2000. Imperial Slacks was a social and cultural experiment that functioned as the home, studio and gallery space of 16 emerging artists. Cosmic Love Wonder Lustprofiled the old and new of Imperial Slacks, representing the complexity of hybrid practices. The exhibition was presented across Campbelltown Arts Centre and Sydney College of the Arts Galleries.

The artists included Simon Cooper, Sean Cordeiro, Alex Davies, Léa Donnan, Chris Fox, Shaun Gladwell, Claire Healy, Laura Jordan, Wade Marynowsky, Angelica Mesiti, Técha Noble, The Kingpins, Emma Price, Michael Schiavello, Monika Tichacek, Melody Willis.

The exhibition catalogue features extensive images  from the Imperial Slacks archive as well as photographs of the exhibition at Campbelltown Arts Centre and Sydney College of the Arts Galleries, and features written contributions from a selection of the artists, Michael Dagostino, Nicholas Tsoutas, Alex Gawronski, Sally Breen, Blair French, Brianna Munting and Craig Judd

+ $20 postage within Australia (or $50 for postage internationally)

Size: 290 x 220 mm
Pages: 158
Designer: Simone Mandl

To find out more about this catalogue or to purchase a copy call 4645 4100 or email [email protected]

