
Campbelltown Heritage Medallion Nomination Form 2018

About the Campbelltown Heritage Medallion
The Campbelltown Heritage Medallion is awarded biennially by Campbelltown City Council to an outstanding person, organisation or group within the Campbelltown community in acknowledgement of their contribution to Campbelltown’s heritage. 

The theme of the 2018 festival is My Culture, My Story celebrating the diversity of cultures that have shaped our shared heritage - reflecting on the places where we live, work, and travel, and why they are special, celebrating our many diverse and distinctive cultures. 

Awarding of the Medallion
The Medallion is to be awarded at Campbelltown City Council’s Heritage Forum, to be held at Campbelltown Arts Centre on Thursday 17 May 2018, as part of the annual National Trust Heritage Festival (18 April – 20 May 2018).

Who is eligible for nomination?
Nominations for the Heritage Medallion will be accepted from community members, independent organisations or individuals wishing to nominate themselves or another individual, business, community group, school or tertiary institution located within the Campbelltown Local Government Area.

Council embraces a wide concept of heritage including physical and non-physical aspects of the human environment but also concepts such as cultural and religious traditions, festivals, traditional and contemporary art, urban planning, innovative product development, and intellectual and scientific work undertaken within the Campbelltown local government area

The Campbelltown Heritage Medallion is to be awarded to an individual, business, community group, school or tertiary institution that has addressed one or more of the following criteria:

That the activity undertaken makes a substantial contribution to preserving or promoting Campbelltown’s Heritage;

That the achievement has a significant and enduring impact on the community;

That the achievement is of exceptional relevance to the Campbelltown’s Heritage;

That the achievement gives a positive impression on Campbelltown’s image and profile.

Definition of Heritage
According to the National Trusts of Australia, ‘Heritage’ can be defined as:

“Heritage is something that we have inherited from the past and something that is valued enough today to leave for future generations. Heritage can incorporate both the tangible and intangible and is present in many forms including landscapes, landmarks, places, buildings, objects, languages, customs and ceremonies.”

Nominations will be assessed by the Heritage Medallion Advisory Panel having regard to the selection criteria outlined above, and the definition of ‘heritage’ outlined by the Australian Council of National Trusts. Campbelltown Arts Centre will make the final decision.

Nominations addressing the requirements outlined in this form should be typed or clearly written. Please include as much detail as possible about the nominee. You may enclose supporting material such as certificates, newspaper clippings, images or link to a video.

Section 1
This nomination is for a

Details of Nominee


Details of Nominee (Group/Organisation)

Full Name of Key Representative from Group/Organisation:

Nominator Details

