
Application Ticket Parade: 2019 Dance and Performance Masterclass

 Applicant Details

Date of Birth:*
I identify my gender as:*
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?*
Do you have any learning or physical disabilities that you believe might affect your participation? If so, please let us know as we can accommodate your needs. *
Home Address:*
Postal Address:*
Home Phone:
 Parent/Carer Details
Name: *
Relationship to Applicant: (e.g. Mother)*
Home Address: *
Postal Address: *
Home Phone:
Mobile: *
E-mail: *
Application Questions
Why would you like to participate in Ticket Parade? (100 words)*
Describe any dance/theatre related projects you been involved in at school or outside of school, and how you were involved (200 words)*
How would you like to use your dance/theatre skills in the future? (e.g. career, study, projects you’d like to undertake) (100 words)*
Tell us about an area of dance/theatre that particularly interests you, and why. (E.g. favourite artist/s, dance/performance styles, other creative interests, and/or an area of learning you enjoy at school). (200 words)*
How did you hear about Ticket Parade? (Please include teacher’s name if applicable) (30 words) *
DISCLAIMER: The personal information provided on this application form will be used and disclosed by Ticket Parade organisers for general administration and communication, or for any purpose required or permitted by law. This information will be held securely and disposed of when no longer needed.
