
Another Day in Paradise Forums | The Last Chapter

Date: Saturday 4 February | 1pm to 4pm

3 February 2017 marks 50 years since Ronald Ryan, the last person to be executed under the death penalty in Australia. This forum investigates the death penalty – the law, Australia’s history, its social and cultural ramifications, and the fragile balance and sometimes competing demands of justice, mercy and rehabilitation. Audiences will hear from legal experts, artists and writers as they explore corporeal punishment around the world in the context of Myuran Sukumaran’s life and paintings, which offer intimate insight into his final days before execution on April 29, 2015.

The forum will include a keynote address, panel discussion, and readings from local writers from Western Sydney University’s Sweatshop program.

Keynote speaker: Julian McMahon

Free but RSVP essential to secure your place
