
Era Yalovata Na Marama Workshops

Artist Joana Monolagi discussing elements of the masi (artwork) she created. Photographed by Sangeeta Sing.

A program for women in Western Sydney of iTaukei heritage using Indigenous Fijian culture to connect the past, present and future with our experiences of Australia, Fiji and beyond.


“I know a lot but I never spoke about it because I didn’t think it was important until today”
– Workshop participant (in her 60s)

“Growing up as a third culture kid hasn’t been easy on my search for identity… Having the knowledge of where I come from has me grounded in who I am now, and where I am going, manouvering between worlds”
– Workshop participant (in her 20s)

Era Yalovata Na Marama workshops are a safe and welcoming space where you can ask any question and form your own opinions as we present cultural knowledge and contemporary arts activities every two months. Whether you’re a full, part or bit ‘Fijian’ woman*, if you want to know more about your heritage and try different ways of expressing yourself then Era Yalovata Na Marama is for you.

Each weekend workshop is an opportunity to discover, create and connect with knowledge holders and contemporary artists from Australia and New Zealand– and other women like you.

Era Yalovata Na Marama is presented by Campbelltown Arts Centre and The Veiqia Project. The Veiqia Project is inspired by the traditional practice of Fijian female tattooing and uses exhibitions, research findings and workshops to invite Fijian (and other Indigenous) women to take a journey of artistic and cultural discovery. This program is funded by the Australia Council for the Arts and Creative New Zealand.

All the maramas in the house! If you’re a woman* of iTaukei ancestry wanting to know more about your Fijian heritage and contemporary culture, then join us for Era Yalovata Na Marama in 2018. We’ll be hosting weekend workshops every 2 months where you can work with female artists, hilarious aunties and other women like you. Learn about culture, contemporary arts and cooking!

Upcoming 2019 Workshops

Sunday 17 February 2019, 11am – 3pm

Create amazing body adornments with contemporary artist Luisa Tora (NZ) that honour, highlight or even hide (lol) who you are in this hands-on workshop for women* of iTaukei heritage.

Leaders Luisa Tora (NZ), Arieta Vai, Donita Hulme
Cost Free
Bookings Call (02) 4645  4100 to book

This workshops is a continuation of the Era Yalovata Na Marama workshop series in 2018 for women in Western Sydney of iTaukei heritage.

Past Workshops
Saturday 12 – Sunday 13 May 2018, 11am – 3pm
Learn how to mark your own masi with master artist Joana Monolagi (Serua) and discover why masi is such a Fijian treasure with Dr Tarisi Vunidilo (Kadavu). Both Joana and Tarisi come to us from Auckland, NZ.

Leaders Donita Hulme (Nadroga-Navoha), Dr Tarisi Vunidilo, Joana Monolagi, Aunty Arieta Vai (Kadavu) & Aunty Mere Niumataiwalu (Bau)

Cost Free

Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 July 2018, 11am – 3pm
Share your stories, hope and dreams using visual and sonic poetry with contemporary artist Salote Tawale (Rewa) and Hip Hop artist MC Trey (Bau) as we explore the power of our oral traditions and history of design in the everyday.

Leaders Donita Hulme (Nadroga-Navoha),Salote Tawale, MC Trey aka Thelma Thomas, Arieta (Kadavu) & Aunty Mere Niumataiwalu (Bau)

Cost Free

Saturday 8 – Sunday 9 September 2018, 11am – 3pm
Make salusalu with fashion designer Bayvick Lawrence (Bau) using recycled materials in recognition of the impact climate change is having on our Pacific Islands as we explore the evolution of salusalu and learn cheeky songs of celebration with Dr Tarisi Vunidilo (Kadavu). Tarisi comes to us from Auckland, NZ.

Leaders Dr Tarisi Vunidilo, Bayvick Lawrence,
Arieta Vai & Mrs Lawrence, Donita Hulme

Cost Free

Sunday 11 November 2018, 11am – 3pm
Get your hands ‘dirty’ with Margaret Aull (Ba) as we use modern clay and traditional processes to represent the women in our present lives and past family. We will also learn to make a very special meal with our cooking teacher Aunties. Margaret comes to us from Auckland, NZ.

Leaders Seinileva Huakau, Dr Tarisi Vunidilo,  Donita Hulme (Nadroga-Navoha), Aunty Arieta Vai (Kadavu) & Aunty Mere Niumataiwalu (Bau

Cost Free

For bookings and enquiries contact Jessica Olivieri
02 4645 4100



*includes those who identify as women/female or gender fluid
**For women* of iTaukei heritage

