
NAISDA Dance Program Mentorship Application Form

Please complete the following application form before 4pm on Friday 7 June, 2019.

Feel free to contact Brenden Broadbent for more information or to discuss different ways to apply:

Brenden Broadbent – Arts and Cultural Liaison Officer
0415 112 691 or 4645 4440
[email protected]

Application Process

  1. Once applications close, C-A-C will review applications and invite 10 students to participate.
  2. C-A-C will contact you, your parent/carer and your school to let you know the outcome of your application, by Friday 7 June, 2019.
  3. C-A-C will send your parent/carer and your school a permission form, including any medical needs and photo permissions as part of this program. The permission forms will need to be signed and returned no later than Friday 21 June, 2019.
  4. C-A-C will keep you up to date via email of any changes to the schedule and travel times.

Before you apply

  1. This program includes several off-site visits scheduled both during and out of school hours. It is important that each student can commit to the entire program.
  1. There is no cost to participate in the program. All transport will be provided by Campbelltown Arts Centre.
  2. Please note the following schedule and discuss with your parent/carer. Detailed schedules and travel information will be provided to selected participants.

The personal information provided on this application form will be used and disclosed by C-A-C for general administration and communication, or for any purpose required or permitted by law. This information will be held securely and disposed of when no longer needed.

Applications close at 4pm on Friday 7 June, 2019.


Successful applicants will receive a finalised program schedule in June 2019, as some times and details are yet to be confirmed.

SESSION 1 - NAISDA Mid-year show

Date: Wednesday 3 July, 2019 | 12pm - 9pm
Location: NAISDA Dance College, Gosford

In this introduction to NAISDA Dance College, Gosford, students will see the NAISDA Mid-Year Show, a professional production comprised of a series of performances by NAISDA students, known as Developing Artists.  The show will be followed by a Q&A and an informal introduction to NAISDA Dance College as a leading organisation for tertiary dance study.

Travel Details: Students will depart C-A-C at 9am, travelling by bus to Kariong, Gosford, and will return to Campbelltown Arts Centre at 9pm.

SESSION 2 - 'On-Country' Day

Date: Wednesday 7 August, 2019
Location: Campbelltown Arts Centre and Dharawal National Park (Wedderburn)

The day will begin at C-A-C, meeting local Elders to provide students with an overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history in the area. This will be followed by an on-country visit to key Indigenous sites in Campbelltown. The day concludes with a workshop led by a NAISDA dance teacher, looking at how history and experiences can inform the choreography and dance work to be made later in the project during session 3.

Travel Details: Students will meet at C-A-C at approximately 9am and program ends at 3.30pm.

SESSION 3 - 4 Day Intensive: Dance Camp

Date: Sunday 1 September – Wednesday 4 September, 2019
Location: NAISDA Dance College, Gosford

Hosted by NAISDA Dance College, the Dance Camp will give students the opportunity to find and develop their creative voice during a 4-day intensive artistic and cultural mentorship in dance as well as voice, cultural knowledge and physical theatre skills. Workshops will be delivered by NAISDA Certificate III Developing Artists and directed by a renowned Indigenous dance artist.

The Sunday schedule includes travel, followed by an investigation of Country and introductory session on arrival at NAISDA Dance College.

Travel Details: Students will be transported by bus to NAISDA Dance College, Gosford, departing Campbelltown Arts Centre on Sunday 1st September. The group will return to Campbelltown Arts Centre on the afternoon of Wednesday 4 September. Accommodation will be provided locally to NAISDA College, Gosford

SESSION 4 - Rehearsals and Performance Showing

Dates: Tuesday 10 - Wednesday 11 September, 4pm - 8pm
Thursday 12September, 10am - 4pm full day rehearsal with Lunch provided and 7pm, evening performance

Location: Campbelltown Arts Centre - Performance Studio

Students will develop and prepare a presentation to extend their learning and share their achievements from across the program. Family, friends and local community members are invited to attend.

Application Form

Student Details

Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
Postal Address:

Parent/Carer Information

Relationship to applicant:

Application Questions

Why would you like to participate in the mentorship for the C-A-C & NAISDA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Program?
Tell us about any dance/performance related projects you been involved in at school or outside of school.
How would you like to use your dance/performance skills in the future? (e.g. career, study, projects you’d like to undertake)
How did you hear about the C-A-C & NAISDA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dance Program? (Please include teacher’s name if applicable)
