
Seniors Festival 2019

Seniors Festival 2019 | Wednesday 13 February – Thursday 14 February 

In celebration of the 2019 Seniors Festival themed Love Your Life!, Campbelltown Arts Centre is offering two days of free creative activities inspired by the current exhibition  Borrowed Scenery. This exhibition showcases 52 artworks from the Campbelltown City council permanent collection by female-identifying artists, exploring the unique perspectives of women through art.

*All activities are free however bookings are essential. To make a booking, contact Campbelltown Arts Centre on 02 4645 4100 or book online below.

Wednesday 13 February | 10am – 3pm

A full day of sharing and creativity. Activities are set to include conversational gallery tours, photo booths, collaborative drawing workshops with Jenny Orchard and a film showing of the 1953 classic Calamity Jane as well as an all-day afternoon tea.

Program Wednesday 13 February

Borrowed Scenery | Conversational Tour
Wednesday 13 February
10am – 11am & 11.15am – 12.15pm

Look at powerful artworks from Campbelltown Arts Centre’s Borrowed Scenery exhibition and discuss the stories behind them in this conversational tour to be hosted by the exhibition curator Jasmine Kean and Miranda Samuels from the art collective The Countess Report. This exhibition showcases 52 artworks from the Campbelltown City Council permanent collection by female-identifying artists, exploring the unique perspectives of women through art.

*Please be sure to arrive at the Arts Centre at 9.30am for the registration and opening.

Facilitator:  Jasmine Kean & Miranda Samuels
Cost: Free


Wild Things | Collaborative Drawing Workshop
Wednesday 13 February
10am – 11am & 11.15am – 12.15pm

Discover a love of creativity whilst working together on a collaborative drawing to be led by exhibiting artist Jenny Orchard. Orchard has exhibited work around the world and is best known for her folkloric hybrids that combine together plants, animals and figures. Following the workshop, the drawing will be publicly exhibited in the gallery foyer and a printed version of the artwork will be mailed to all participants as a memory of the day.

*Please be sure to arrive at the Arts Centre at 9.30am for registration and opening.

Facilitator:  Jenny Orchard & Anney Bounpraseuth

Calamity Jane | Film Showing
Wednesday 13 February, 1.30pm – 3pm

Enjoy a free film showing of the 1953 classic Calamity Jane complete with popcorn, candy bar and fruit platters.

Cost: Free

Borrowed Stories | Female Elder Interviews
Wednesday 13 February
10am – 10.20am, 10.30am – 10.50am, 11am – 11.20am,
11.30am – 11.50am, 12pm – 12.20pm, 12.30pm – 12.50pm

Female elders from the community are invited to discuss their views on female representation over the decades and to tell their stories in groups of five. These stories will be digitally recorded by the all-female media company Phoenix Eye and will later be publicly exhibited in the gallery foyer for the remainder of the Borrowed Scenery exhibition.

Facilitator: Phoenix Eye

Valentine’s Day Special Event
Thursday 14 February, 6pm – 9pm 

Join us for this Valentine’s Day special event including an after-hours tour of Borrowed Scenery, light refreshments and a screening of the award winning film The Sapphires.

Program Thursday 14 February

Borrowed Scenery | Conversational Tour
Thursday 14 February, 6pm

Look at powerful artworks from Campbelltown Arts Centre’s Borrowed Scenery exhibition and discuss the stories behind them in this conversational tour to be hosted by the exhibition curator Jasmine Kean and Miranda Samuels from the art collective The Countess Report. This exhibition showcases 52 artworks from the Campbelltown City Council permanent collection by female-identifying artists, exploring the unique perspectives of women through art.

Cost: Free

The Sapphires | Film Showing
Thursday 14 February, 7.30pm

Join us for a free film showing of the 2012 award winning film The Sapphires, complete with popcorn and light refreshments.

Cost: Free
