Evaluation and Feedback: Schools Education Feedback 1) About youName:* First Last School:* E-mail:*Would you like to subscribe to our NEW schools newsletter?YesNoAlready subscribed2) Overall success, benefit and failurePlease comment on the most beneficial element(s) of the program for your students.Which aspect of the program was of most benefit to yourself as a teacher / coordinator?Please identify any failures or difficulties with this program.3) Program relevanceHow did content relate to and support your students’ learning, current studies, specific interests or abilities? Will teachers or students continue to use any of this learning in the classroom? Please comment on the value of specific elements of the program (eg. exhibition visit, workshop, talk).4) FacilitatorsPlease comment on the approaches of the artist(s) / arts educator(s) and how this supports your students’ learning. This may include facilitation style, educational techniques and competency.5) Format and coordinationPlease comment on the format of the program, including coordination and timing.6) Communications & PlanningPlease comment on communication and planning ahead of the program, as well as any advice on how else to share educational opportunities with your school and/or networks.7) Anecdotal feedbackPlease outline if any personal responses or comments from your students which may help with future programs and/or evidence positive impact. NB. This is really valuable for our future planning, but also for reporting and funding needs.8) BarriersWhat main factors prevent you engaging with educational programs at Campbelltown Arts Centre and/or arts institutions in general (circle one or more, with detail provided below where necessary)Cost of programCost of transportTiming and calendar coordinationSchool policyStaffingOther. Please specifyWhere relevant, please provide details on any of these barriers and recommend ways to improve arts engagement for your students.9) Other comments or feedbackPlease provide any additional feedback or comments. Eg. What is missing from the program; any suggestions for future education programs.Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.SubmitReset