
Evaluation and Feedback: One the Bear

Campbelltown Arts Centre | 26 May – 3 June 2017
1) About you
2) Student information
For reporting and planning purposes only, please complete the table below with statistical information on your students who attended the event.
Subject area(s):
Age Group:
Female/Male Ration:
Cultural backgrounds / Languages spoken other than English:
Suburb/LGA :
Number of students with Disability:
Number of students that identify as ATSI:
3) Success, benefits and failures
i. Please comment on the most beneficial element(s) of the performance for your students.
ii. Which aspect of the performance was of most benefit to yourself as a teacher / coordinator?
iii. If applicable, please comment on the benefits or relevance of the Q&A.
iv. Please identify any failures or difficulties with this performance.
4) Education Programs
Face-to-face education programs and school resources for this performance included:
- In-school drama workshops with Candy Bowers in 2016
- Online resources including video artist interviews, available via
- Specially developed classroom resources / lesson plans for drama years 9 – 10
- Subsidised transport or ticket options, for priority audiences
Please comment on which of these resources you used, if any, and what was successful. Please advise if any recommendations for Education Programs accompanying future performances.
5) Quotes / Anecdotal feedback
Personal comments and responses from students, or teachers, are incredibly valuable for the development of works as well as providing meaningful evidence of impact. Please include quotes / personal comments from your students, yourself or other staff.
6) Date and times
Please comment on the performance dates and times, for school calendars and timetables.
7) Audience
The performance was recommended for students in years 8 – 12 Drama, also applicable to English, Aboriginal Studies, Music and Visual Art. Please comment on appropriateness of the work for your students’ ages and subjects.
8) Communication and marketing
Please comment on communication and planning in relation to performance and Education Programs, as well as advice on how best to reach our local schools to promote similar opportunities.
9) Barriers
What main factors prevent you attending similar excursions at Campbelltown Arts Centre and/or arts institutions in general (select one or more, with detail where necessary)
If you selected any barriers marked with an asterisk, please outline to assist in future planning.
10) Other comments or feedback
Please provide any additional feedback or comments.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback.
